


This old man is wild with adolescent bravado,
A leashed brown dog in the left hand,
And an eagle perched on the right.
Fitted out with brocade headgears and fur,
A legion of a thousand horses sweeping over rolling plains.
Get the whole city out in the wake of Gov’nor
To watch him shoot tigers,
A young Sun Lang.

Flushed with wine and chest bared in an expansive mood,
What does it matter
If only a little sideburn frost!
The imperial fiat at Yunzhong,
When would it be dispatched by my Feng Tang?
And I would draw the sculpted bow to a full moon,
With a northwest gaze,
To shoot the Celestial Wolf.
So,I want to follow our country


jiāng chéng zǐ mì zhōu chū liè江城子·密州出猎sòng dài宋代sū shì苏轼
lǎo fū liáo fā shào nián kuáng.老夫聊发少年狂。zuǒ qiān huáng.左牵黄。yòu qíng cāng.右擎苍。jǐn mào diāo qiú.锦帽貂裘。qiān qí juǎn píng gāng.千骑卷平冈。wèi bào qīng chéng suí tài shǒu.为报倾城随太守。qīn shè hǔ.亲射虎。kàn sūn láng.看孙郎。jiǔ hān xiōng dǎn shàng kāi zhāng.酒酣胸胆尚开张。bìn wēi shuāng.鬓微霜。yòu hé fáng!又何妨!chí jié yún zhōng.持节云中。hé rì qiǎn féng táng?何日遣冯唐?huì wǎn diāo gōng rú mǎn yuè.会挽雕弓如满月。xī běi wàng.西北望。shè tiān láng.射天狼。
